The following clubs and events for November 2020 are...
This event is being held this year for the junior and seniors, it is upcoming in November and it will be held virtually as all the records for all the events will be.
Fundraising for class of 2024-
The class of 2024 is holding a chocolate fundraiser. All the proceeds go to activities held by the class of 2024. If you want to help out please look at the information posted below.
Seniors who have voted can send a picture of their ballot in order for it to be added to the yearbook.
Care to Walk
The club is now holding a fundraiser to donate money in order to support breast cancer research and the program is taking donations which is going to end in a few days. If you would like to contribute please go to the link provided below: https://secure.acsevents.org/site/TR?team_id=2562920&fr_id=97584&pg=team
Painted Words
Due to the worldwide pandemic that has affected everyone, Painted Words is trying to organize; they are still accepting artwork and poems. If you have anything you want to be featured in the magazine please send it to nbthspaintedwords@gmail.com.