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Writer's pictureJoel Mathew

2024 Salutatorian & Class President: Anne Chedid

JOEL MATHEW, Contributing Writer

The Class of 2024 is a group of individuals that stands out, whether from their own cultural and ethnic diversity or from their participation in after school sports and activities. Even academics are a huge role in their high school life. This year’s Salutatorian and 2024 Class President, Anne Chedid, tells us about the journey she has gone through and the hard work she put in to reach this incredible milestone.

How do you feel about graduating?

It's almost a bittersweet feeling.  It’s sad to think of all the friends and memories that we made are about to come to an end, but I’m proud of the things we have accomplished along the way. It’s great to not just seeing that physical milestone of being the 50th Graduating Class, but our achievements as well.

What is your most cherished moment of high school?

Probably my most cherished memory was of going to Prague for Model UN as the Secretary General. It was fun to spend time with the Model UN team and to help underclassmen, while also making new memories at the event.

Will you remember anyone in particular in North Brunswick?

Mrs. Johnson, who is our class advisor as well as our Model UN advisor. She has helped out a lot in our club to really drive students to do their best. She's one of my many supporters who helped me along the way.

Over the last four years who or what has been your motivation?

My family. Even if it seems cliche, they push me to be the best version of myself. To achieve what I want to do. They also remind me to relax and take a break when I have too much on my plate. They help balance me out in a sense.

What message do you have for underclassmen and incoming freshmen?

The most important thing is to take advantage of everything the school has to offer, but don’t feel pressured to do everything.

Do you regret not doing anything in life so far?

No regrets in my opinion. I think I always try to learn from any mistakes that happen. I believe everything happens for a reason, so I don’t regret anything since it makes me who I am today.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully, I see myself graduating from law school and being able be an attorney doing some kind of corporate or international law.

What college are you planning to attend and what will be your major?

I will be attending Rutgers University's Honors College and will be majoring in Finance.

What struggles did you have getting to where you are in life now?

I didn’t prioritize free time to make space for spending time with friends and family. I'm improving even now as compared to earlier, but I was always ready to not spend time with friends and family just to keep my grades up.

What’s something you used to help stay on top of things such as scheduling or management? 

I generally use a specific system in my head for how to respond to emails, set alarms to remember things, so on and so forth. Using Google Calendar and setting reminders is always helpful too.

What is the biggest challenge you think students would have in the future to accomplish what you have done? 

Most definitely not believing in themselves. There are so many things that people don’t do due to lack of motivation, fear or the possibility of humiliation. It can be scary but there is so much you can gain just from going for it and take the chance. Try not to limit yourself and have some faith in yourself.

How does it feel to be the Salutatorian of 2024?

I’m really proud to be the Salutatorian for the Class of 2024. I worked really hard throughout my high school career to balance academics, extra curricular activities, and maintain my relationships with friends and family. It took a lot of sacrifice and effort, but being named salutatorian is an honor that reaffirms that all my sacrifices were worth it.

Are you satisfied with the overall outcome?

I am very satisfied and proud with the outcome of my hard work. For the past four years, I have worked really hard to keep good grades and put all my efforts into doing the best work I could. Being named Salutatorian was a nice reward for my hard work and a good lesson that hard work pays off.

Any expectations and/or advice for future students' success academically speaking?

My best advice for future students is to always work your hardest. I know that the late nights spent studying, especially junior year, can be tough, but it is so rewarding to look back on all you have accomplished. Nothing worth having comes easy, and that includes academic accomplishments. You will be so proud of all you are able to achieve and you will realize how much potential you have to do amazing things.


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